Coaching and Online Consulting

We take great pride in introducing our premium consulting practice. We have 4 major areas in which we provide expert consulting. They are segregated based upon the employee lifecycle as well as depending on the need as per the employee status in the organization hierarchy

Proffcoun : Professional Counseling is available for all employee and management levels including CEOs.

Professional Counseling is available through a trained and experienced professional either from your area of expertise or from a different field.

Proffcon : Professional Conversations are intended for middle and senior leadership members who would just like to open an interesting professional conversation with an experienced professional but not necessarily from the same industry; without divulging their identity. .

The objective of Proffcon is to speak your heart out or speak yourself out to another person. Simply put, it boils down to bouncing off a certain situation for collecting a differing idea during a roadblock, stressful situation, celebrating success, etc. which in your close circle may not be welcome or where idea saturation, exhaustion of existing ideas is utilized already to the maximum.

Both ProffCOUN and ProffCON are available as Face to face and online services.

Identification of Lead & Lag indicators in safeguarding the business dynamics and business growth drivers for successful present and future

Open & close community collaboration

We also promote and enable Open and Close community collaboration from your own professional preferred choice

Follow-through Coaching

Follow-through Coaching is substantiated via

  • Learning
  • Networking
  • Exclusive professional Coaching
  • Peer Coaching and counseling

Complimentary Consultation and Free counseling

Limited period, need based free consultations are highly encouraged Face to face and over phone.

This is our contribution in a small way to our society through value add services on consulting and counseling to the needy.